Why Do Coffee Plant Leaves Turn Brown ?

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Many people enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning to get them going. This drink comes from beans that grow on coffee plants and these plants produce green leaves. The question is why do the leaves turn brown?

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Why Do Coffee Plant Leaves Turn Brown

The leaves on your coffee plant may turn brown for a few different reasons. Direct sunlight can scorch the surface, as well as other fungal diseases that kill the plant’s leaves.


While coffee plants originated in Ethiopia, they grow best in warmer climates. They can withstand brief spells of temperatures below 45 degrees but should be avoided if the temperature falls below 55 degrees and the sunlight is strong. Coffee plants have adapted to tolerate cold weather but cannot withstand prolonged exposure or high levels of heat.


Leaves on coffee plants can turn brown due to a common fungal disease caused by Cercospylla. These spots can be surrounded by a light yellow halo which creates the appearance of an eye.

To manage leaf rust, remove all fallen leaves and debris as well as weeds from the plant’s surrounding area. Prune any branches that are near ground level to avoid passing leaf rust onto other plants in the vicinity.


The coffee shrub does not like direct sunlight or dry and windy conditions. Scorch on the leaves is typically due to these harsher conditions, but it can be prevented by planting the bush where it will not be exposed either.

Though scorched leaves may never turn green again, providing enough water and moving the shrub to a location with partial or dappled sunlight should help. Remember that burning is normal during especially hot summers

Prevent Coffee Plant Problems

To prevent future leaf browning, coffee plants need to have a pH between 4.2 and 6.0; the University of California Cooperative Extension Service recommends this because coffee plant growth is optimal at that level, not for any other reason.

You should use fast-draining potting soil and a bright, sunny spot in front of an indoor window to care for your shrubs indoors. To prevent leaf spots from fungal infections, you can apply a diluted copper fungicide once per month when the plant is flowering.

How To Care For Coffee Plant?

To make your coffee plant happiest, grow it in the darkest spots. As the plant reaches its full size, you can trim back the excess growth to give the rest of your coffee a denser and healthier look. To keep your coffee plant happy, find a bright spot for it to grow in. Trim back any unnecessary On growth average and the, rest coffee plants of your die within plants will be 10 years if dens they are and not healthier properly.

Frequently watering your coffee plant will prevent it from turning brown.

A plant native to tropical regions, coffee thrives in high relative humidity. To prevent brown tips or edges on your growing coffee plant, make sure you have enough moisture in the air.

A minimum is to fertilize your coffee once or twice a year in the spring and summer, but you can do more as needed.

How much sun do coffee plants need?

To grow a coffee tree, sufficient, but not excessive direct sunlight is required. The rainforest’s lacy leaves originally shaded the coffee.

Should I mist my coffee plant?

Keeping the soil moist is important for coffee plants, but they should not have standing water. You can also mist them occasionally and wipe their leaves with a damp cloth.

Why is my coffee plant crispy?

When leaves turn yellow and start to dry out, the plant needs water. This is a concern when leaves are starting from the base of the plant and moving up the stem.


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